Check out A Musical Sensations Great Reviews from students!
Check out A Musical Sensations Great Reviews from students!
A Musical Sensation is proud to be asked to review a proposal for a new book. The Evolving Voice by Karen Brunssen. Best of luck to her!
Live performances can have mishaps. Especially sound. Although we appreciate and give much credit to our technical crew, problems happen. The sound guy can “make you or break you.” Never rely on your ear piece or monitor. Singing is using your facial and abdominal muscles. If the sound goes out I would suggest to follow your vocal technique and placement and trust yourself!
There is nothing better than starting a fresh new year with your wish list right out in front. Have you wanted to take singing / voice lessons to learn how to sing? Never a better time than now. Want to improve your voice as an actress/actor? Need to refresh your musical voice training and techniques?
Past students have commented on how much they learn in just the first lesson. So take the plunge and sing up for voice lessons to start living your new years resolution to take singing/voice lessons today! Start with one lesson or decide right now on the 10 package lessons which offer great discounts!
I look forward to hearing from you…
Happy New Year!